✿ Welcome to My Blog ✿

My intention: to have an organized space where I can share my ideas and what I’m working on with you guys. In a way, I want this to also work as a scrapbook of my progress and work.

Lately, I’ve been reading more. Maybe not LATELY, as in the last week or so as things have been rather busy, but in general, I’ve been reading a lot more. I’m currently burning through Communion, The Female Search for Love by Bell Hooks, and Natalie Goldbergs’s Wild Mind, Living the Writers Life— I’m aching to write more. Write something. Updating my website has been fun because I love reading and editing old writing of mine (oh the unpolishedness of it!). Reading has made me a stronger writer and I’m glad for that.

I’m also shooting a music video next month that I’ll be directing. I’ve never directed before but It’s also something I’ve been aching to do and that itch is definitely getting scratched. I drafted up the whole treatment; created the shot list and am glad to have such a strong and supportive team around me. Especially Ray and Loc, working with them reassures me in my creative power as I find them both brilliant. at what they do.

a photo of ray from our location scout a few weeks ago

I’ll be dancing in this music video. Another ache. My co-worker Jordanae is choreographing and it’s all coming together now. Although my body is quite literally aching with this one, my inner child is soaring. Even though I’m not the greatest dancer (YET), my determination to execute these shots/moves stunningly is like an eternal flame burning away any insecurity I might have about the thing. I feel great about it. Happy that I’m trying. Ecstatic that I’m pushing.

Currently planning out the cover shoot for the album as well. Ray shooting, and Rue Yi styling. I cannot WAIT to iron the details out on that one. Hans is in good spirits as well and his arms are feeling a bit better now (carpal tunnel/tennis elbow); the mixing of the album has resumed!

So that’s whats going on right now :-) Thank you for stopping by and reading all the way to the end (if you did). I’m sending you love, forever and ever.

- Mimi