A declaration


I’m obliged to say that I love you.

Little things: the way you decorate your room, the absence of dust on flat surfaces. The way you fold my things neatly in a corner, both to avoid mess and so I won’t forget anything when I leave.

Your restlessness, your cool. The way you are with me, the me I am with you. I enjoy every moment, savor every second.

Even when my eyes are sewn shut and you’re tinkering away into the night, (unconciously) I do love that too.

And yet… I can’t tell you yet. I hope the message is read through my eyes and smile. Maybe in my hand on your waist or when I ask for a forehead kiss. In my passion and my patience when we speak, especially when I say “I miss you”.

Your mattress is very soft, like your spirit and like your heart. It’s why I prefer your bed [over mine]. It is like your love cradling me to sleep.