


I’ve just recently rearranged my room. It was one of those 2 AM manic sweaty cleans after a nine-hour shift. For two and a half hours I moved furniture while listening to Renaissance, Beyonce’s new album.

I didn’t realize until now, upon looking up at the ceiling, that my room is almost a cube, and so by default a rectangle I guess. When you walk in you can see my little black desk (given graciously to me by my boyfriend); beside it are my black Rokit 5s positioned on stands, and beneath them, foam isolation pads. They face the old chair I stole from the room over that I now use for my desk space. It has 4 silver wire legs and a back held together by zip ties. It’s not the type of chair you can comfortably lean back in (Hans pointed out to me yesterday) but I wouldn’t have ever known as I always sit in it cross-legged. It has a round furry red seat.

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